Success blog 2018

Fundamentals of Business Blogs

There are plenty of reasons to start a blog for your business. When done correctly, this section of your website can be responsible for the majority of traffic to your website. It’s all about creating authentic and relevant information for your audience to enjoy.
However, just because you create content and post it on the internet doesn’t mean people will see it. More importantly, without a solid strategy, the right people won’t see it.

Your Blog’s Purpose

The purpose of starting a blog for your business is ultimately attract visitors to your site. Instead of allocating your budget towards a paid medium, blogging attracts a higher quality of visitor to your website. Below are just a few of the many reasons a business blog will help your company.


When it comes to SEO (search engine optimization), content marketing is the name of the game. Consistently publishing to your blogs increases the number of rankable pages on your website and more opportunities for your audience to discover you.


Search engines are getting scarily good at finding the most relevant pages for what users search. Posts relevant to what your company does will attract an interested visitor and give them the information they’re actively searching for.


On the more technical side of SEO things, a blog allows you to tell search engines which blogs and website pages are related to each other while simultaneously creating a strong user experience. You can link to related pages of your website to keep the conversation going with the user and increasing engagement.


Have you ever searched for something online and find that the first page of results is predominantly from a single site? This is what we like to consider thought leadership. While it could be considered topic dominance, you’ll be able to position yourself as the leader in that category for your users.

What to Blog About
Now that we know the purpose of a business blog, the next question we usually get is about what to blog about. This is common and if you struggle with writer’s block, getting started with blogging can be a daunting task.
When it comes to topics, focus on what your audience is looking for. A blog gives you the platform to attract your audience and help them on their journey towards a purchase.
We’ve found the following tactics work quite well.


Let’s be honest, not many people read the instructions when they get something new. That little packet of paper is usually thrown to the bottom of the box, or simply ignored. Fact is, people want to experience the value your products or service offers first hand. Key word: experience.
However, when the inevitable “How do you use this thing?” question comes, people are turning towards the internet to find answers.
Enter your blog. If your customers often have issues or challenges experiencing the value your products and services provide, your blog can answer their questions while creating happy customers at the same time.
Sounds like a win-win to me.


Along with what you post on social media, your blog acts as your business’s own news feed. Keep it fresh and tell people what’s happening.
Tell your audience about updates to your products. If you’re extending your product line, tell the world about it. If the news you’re posting about can impact your audience in a positive way, then there could be value in blogging about it.


We’ve seen a lot of success with this tactic here at THAT Agency. This tactic goes along with establishing thought leadership and can position your company as the “solution to the problem”. Make it conversational and relate it to a common situation your audience might find themselves in.


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